Om Action Kids-konceptet
Action Kids is a different play and exercise concept, which aims to motivate kindergarten students to be more physically active. The concept is designed to be easy to follow for any and all children regardless of their age, gender, weight, and motor skills.
With Action Kids, institutions bring more physical activity into everyday life in an innovative and 'disguised' way. This provides a better opportunity to include all children – even those who are generally not very good at sports and competitive ball games.
The concept is built around four basic elements taken from the children's own universe: Storytelling, music, motion, and colourful drawings, which together motivate children to be physically active and use their imagination while they have fun together. Read what users say about Action Kids here.
Action Kids fosters a sense of community, and all the children are winners!

Hør skaberen af Action Kids forklare om det sjove bevægelseskoncept, og se en demonstration af materialet!
Actionkids materialet består af en lydfil og et instruktionshæfte, der tilsammen danner rammerne for 25 aktive minutter. På nuværende tidspunkt findes der 4 universer:
Action Kids På Bondegården, Action Kids På Rumfart, Action Kids På Zoofari og Action Kids i Cirkus.

Play with motion
Actionkids-forløbet udføres ved hjælp af et instruktionshæfte og en lydfil. Instruktionshæftet indeholder farverige tegninger og forklarende tekster til de enkelte øvelser. Lydfilen indeholder musik, lydeffekter og instruktions-speak, som guider børnene igennem aktiviteterne. Pædagogen deltager aktivt og hjælper til med udførelsen af legene.
A typical Actionkids course consists of:
- Intro
- Burn Energy
- Warming Up
- Play
- Pause
- Midpoint
- Play
- Pause
- Relaxation
- Outro
See pictures the Action Kids routine here.